2 min readMar 16, 2022


Nature, with all its glory, comforts and benefits us in all ways possible. Life on earth seems absolutely unfeasible without it. It provides us with all the useful and placid elements, making this world a better place for us.

Nevertheless, in addition to all these benefits, nature is also a root of wisdom and knowledge. It teaches us a great deal about life, and how we can walk through this journey with understanding and insight.
You must have observed the changing of the season, and how nature adapts to it all beautifully, throwing light on the importance of change in our lives. Embracing change and growing with it is one of the most significant things in life, and once a person learns to do so, it only gets easier and better. We have also noticed the serene character of nature, staying calm and peaceful even if there’s a storm hovering over. What a beautiful lesson this is, never letting your internal peace get affected by some external force.
Nature never hurries or rushes and always believes in the mantra of slowing down from time to time. No matter what, it always proceeds at its own pace and moves towards its direction slowly and steadily. With absolutely no amount of rush, it accomplishes almost everything with ease. This simply tells us that if we are consistent in working for something we want to achieve without being distracted from the path, we will achieve it with no hurry and rush.
We, the team of ICLabs IN, Bangalore, train our students with similar teachings and guidance. We give our students the exposure to learn from every possible thing that they see in front of their eyes, for we believe that everything can teach us something. We aim to encourage and nourish their overall development, in addition to making them exceptional VLSI experts. For us, nature is a great source of knowledge, but so is everything. All that matters is the growth of our students.




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